Our Warranties – We Have Your Back

Finest Finish product warranty image for tech page

Finest Finish Pools small image of warranty

Download form to your computer and fill out on screen and forward to warranty@universalcement.com, or print and fax to (623)915-0963

The reason our swimming pool and spa finishes have such a strong reputation for beauty and durability is that we make every effort to support the best possible installation process. It starts with the finest quality cements, blended specifically for different uses (see more about this on our The Magic is in the Mix page). In order to provide consistent ratios for the various components necessary to achieve the most enduring and attractive finish, we offer installers a “One Bag System”. This assures accuracy, controls quality, saves time and reduces mixing errors.

Another very important benefit is that all our pre-blended components have a 7 or 10 year comprehensive warranty. Please click here for the Finest Finish Product Warranty, and here for the Universal Mini Pebble Warranty.

Keep it beautiful, make it last

Attention to detail and long experience in the industry allow us to create blends that are strong and high in light reflectance and luminosity. See table with accredited results.

Top quality materials keep their luster and wear best when well cared for. A little attention to get the most out of your investment will go a long way to protecting your finish.

Startup Procedures – Starting Strong

Your swimming pool and spa installation expert can provide you with guidelines to help you keep your pool and spa in good condition. Another great resource is the National Pool Plasterers Council (NPC), whose website includes a very informative technical information library.

The NPC also issues start-up guidelines. Getting started the right way maximizes your investment.

Applicators and Installers – Important Document

FInest Finish WHite and Color Pool Surface Agreement - Image of document

We make the White & Colored Pool Interior Finish Agreement document available to all applicators and installation experts.

The NPC – A Great Resource

For more than 25 years the National Pool Plasterers has been the utmost authority for in-ground swimming pool and spa cementitious interior pool surface applicators, material manufacturers, suppliers and distributors. Their website features many helpful article and technical memos.

Image of tech page for NPC